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Wesley B. Baker, PhD

Wesley B. Baker, PhD
Assistant Professor, HUB Bldg, Philadelphia

I am a translational physicist with expertise in diffuse optical techniques to non-invasively evaluate brain function in patients. The aim of my research is to develop, validate, and translate optical neuro-diagnostics that can guide the care of children at risk for brain injury. Diffuse optical neuromonitoring systems are non-invasive devices that provide similar physiologic information to magnetic resonance imaging (e.g., blood flow, blood oxygen content, oxygen metabolism). Importantly, their portability makes them well-suited for use at the bedside. I have extensive experience in developing algorithms to improve the rigor and reproducibility of optical brain measurements. To demonstrate their utility, I collaborate broadly with clinicians.

A major part of my current research effort is focused on non-invasive optical approaches for measuring intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion. I also have great interest in probing cerebral metabolism to better understand the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury, and congenital heart disease. I am the PI of external grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the American Heart Association, and I co-lead an internal Frontier program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, entitled “Biomedical optical devices to monitor cerebral health.

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