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We welcome abstracts within the broad scope of ISOTT, which includes all aspects of oxygen-related biology and medicine—such as transport, physiology, metabolism, modeling, and clinical measurement.
During the abstract submission process, you may indicate your preference for an oral or a poster presentation.
The Programme Committee welcomes the submission of original contributions. Please consult the Thematic Topics of the Meeting.


Deadline for Abstract Submission: 06 April 2025


All accepted papers will be presented in one of the following formats:

  • Oral presentation: Fully presented in oral format
  • Poster presentation: Poster sessions will be held according to the programme. Instructions on the exact format of the poster sessions will be provided at a later stage, after the notification of acceptance. Posters will be presented in printed form. The specifications of the printed posters are PORTRAIT format, 84x119cm (A0 size). Please do not forget to add the presenter’s photo on the upper right corner of the poster.

Authors should indicate the thematic topic and their presentation format preference, but the final decision on the presentation type will be determined by the Scientific Committee.
Please note that during submissions authors will be given the option to ask for the consideration of their submission for a Plenary Talk or for a presentation at the Young Researchers Symposium (24 August, 10:00 – 14:00).


Important Notes
  • Authors are responsible for the submission of their abstracts according to the abstract submission guidelines, and the submission deadline.
  • You are kindly requested to follow the abstract submission template and prepare your abstract based on the instructions provided below (bottom of this page).
  • The presenting author of each abstract must complete registration and payment for the conference, the latest shortly upon receiving the abstract acceptance notification.
  • Abstract presenters are required to be physically present in Thessaloniki to deliver their presentation.
  • Authors have the right to amend their submitted abstracts until the submission deadline, by accessing their abstract submission account.


Evaluation of Abstracts

Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and scored on scientific merit, originality, and relevancy to the thematic topics of the Meeting.

The Programme Committee reserves the right to change the thematic topic during the abstract evaluation process or even change the presentation type from Oral to Poster according to the requirements of the scientific programme.

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