Lorenzo Cortese
Dr. Lorenzo Cortese obtained his PhD in atomic and molecular photonics at the LENS – European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (University of Florence, Italy), and now is a staff scientist at the Medical Optics group at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Spain), where he works since 2016. His current work focuses on traslational research on multi-modal imaging, laser speckle-based technologies, and near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies applied to medicine. Dr. Cortese currently leads the national project PHOTOSHOCK, with the aim of developing new photonic technologies for early shock detection in trauma patients, and works/has worked on several national and international research projects (among others EC H2020 LUCA, FETAL/FIRST, HEMOCOVID-19, H2020 VASCOVID) involving research institutions, hospitals and high-technology biomedical companies, with main focus on oncology and intensive care applications of novel optical technologies.